Friday 12 June 2015

How to decorate your wedding venue on a very tight budget! the DIY bride.

When you are getting married, there are just so many costs to take into account. People seem to thing that decorating your venue must be one of them. I just dont believe thats true at all!

BEFORE you do a run round buying bits and bob that you may not even use in an excited rush, think.
When it comes to decorating a venue for an after party there are just so so many ways you can cut down costs.

KISS - Keep it simple stupid!
This is very true. If you want a budget wedding that looks "put together" you NEED to stick to a colour scheme. White is the very best to keep it simple and beautiful.

Here is a simple wedding venue decor list and I will add up the totals and show you where you can buy there items!

This is assuming that your venue will sort out table clothes, plates, cutlery and glasses for you.

The tables.
Center peices.
Use empty/clean sauce jars as vases. Tie a little ribbon around the top and nobody will know!
As family to send you any of their spare jars so you can use those too!
Fill these with flowers, see if you can pick some the day before your wedding from families gardens or go to a supermarket, they often have lots of big cheap bouquets for around £4, you could split one pack between 3 vases easily.
Jars: free
Flowers: £4 for 3 tables.

Scatter fake rose petals over the tables, these are not only cost effective but so traditional too.
You can get packs of 100 petals for 30p on
 You should only need £1 worth.

Buy a load of tealights (the ones in a little metal holder) to scatter around the tables for a touch of romance. You can buy these almost anywhere. Amazon or ebay normally have packs of 100 for £4 and that will be plenty.

For napkins try your local pound shop, you can normally get 100 for £1.

Print out table numbers and place settings yourself, I will have some uploaded here n a couple of days if you want to use these free ones.

Hang paper buntings made out of doilies aound the venue if you want a budget bunting idea.

White balloons are cheap and cheerful, but above all, they are great at filling spaces.
Pack of 50 white balloons on ebay will cost you about £2.

Clear christmas fairy lights dangled round the venue can add a nice touch, ask family and friends if you can borrow some.

The cake table

In one of my previous posts, I show you how you can make this simple wedding cake for less than £5. If you have lots of guests coming get cupcake baking and surround your cake with cute white iced cupcakes. Cake for all!

(Next post will show you how to make your own DIY cupcake stand (cost me around 35p to make!)

Add some simple jars filled with sweets around the table. Tesco have jars for £1 and the poundshop will sell jumbo bags of sweets and lolly pops. One of my next posts will be free printable sweetie bags, they may be great for this!

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