Wednesday 26 October 2016

Poundland Christmas Range 2016 - What an unexpected surprise!

When it comes to Christmas, poundland never enters my mind for decorating.

We have had one in our local town for a while and to be honest I dont really use it. Every now and again I might pop in for some cooking foil or deodorant if im outside there anyway.

October I heard a rumour that the ornaments Ive had my eye on from debenhams were in there and almost identical. I imagined this rumour was a exagerated but as I was in town anyway a few days later, I thought I might check it out. I was in town very early so the hoards of parents and types hadnt managed to take over the store, it was empty apart from myself and some elderly couples.

There they were sitting on a high shelf. Now, they were not identical but very close. I had to pick them up.

Sweet arent they? So after my success, I decided to do a bit of digging to find out if they would be doing any nice bits in a festive theme. I was shocked to find that they have actually pulled together a catalog with -get this- ranges. They have christmas ranges... and they are... bloody cute!

What do we think?

Monday 3 October 2016

My Christmas Wish List 2016 - My Early Blogmas -

Anyone who read and remembers my blog from last year will have known that I was well and truly spoilt rotton last Christmas.
I have loved and enjoyed all of my wonderful gifts throughtout the year and want to take the chance to thank everybody so much.

Last year was a blast, the party that lasted days, the friends, the drinking games. Gift exchanges that took all day and evening. It was intoxicating and I will always treasure it.

This year, however, If anybody would like to buy me anything, please consider token and inexpensive gifts. Purely based on the fact that I will love them just as much. I know I am difficult to buy for, so I am happy to put a list bellow of potential ideas that I would adore this year!
Most of them are under ten pounds and some are only a couple of pounds.

This year I would love little "Yay!" moments. Its cheaper for you, its lots of little bursts of pleasure for me. Its a win-win!

This cute sets contains one of those cute penguin bubble bars
I am always going on about. Also a butterbear, which I never got to try 
last year, and a scrummy santa head.
It costs £12.95 and will most likely be one of the most expensive things
on my list this year. 
Saves wrapping too ;)

I bought this last year in the sales and fell in love
with the scent, colour and magic of this.
Its costs £3.75 and I would adore it.

Even the little one goes a long long way on a sponge!
It smells like candy and to be honest, that's the dream.

These are so bloody cute. Every year we a have a little tradition
that he buys me jarmie bottoms. I look forward to it all year.

If magic were real, I would think we would find 
it in a new fair of fluffy socks...
Or better yet 3.
 3 pairs.
 £6 (size 4-8)
I would love this on my bedside table.
Anything that has sparkles in is mine.

If someone buys me this I promise 
I will always shake it.
 Supercute hair ties
 99p a pack!!!!
£3.99 from Amazon.
A girl can never ever ever ever have
enough notebooks.


More of them! £3.49

And if you just happen to be passing a Tesco...

Who doesnt want these? Koorr I havent had
them since last christmas *self gift*


Black Raspberry Liqueur
I used to drink one similar to this at my
grandparents house everytime they went 
to France and bought loads back.