Wednesday 3 June 2015

How doing DIY hair beauty treatments and home spa days saved me over £1000 per year!

The average spa day costs around £80 at least per person.
In that you get a massage & a facial and if your lucky. We all love the spa, you come out feeling pampered and soft all over but for many woman, they cannot justify that price unless its a special occasion.
 To have your hair coloured and deep conditioned the average hair dresser is looking for around £35.
Not much beats having healthy feeling fantastic hair and a renewed colour.

Its a shame as I believe woman should have at least one day a month for themselves. A day to feel relaxed and free. Stresses of work, homelife and children not only impact moods but also can cause stress aches, breakouts and poor physical health. Yet with prices rises like they are and wages failing to meet those rises the reality is woman are having to find cheap alternatives or give up self manintaince compeletely.
But all is no lost! There is a way you can have these amazing spa days at a fraction of the cost with a  LOT more treatments!

 Heres how to do it!

Note: You cannot do this if you are having to worry about children. The idea of a spa day or a "you" day is that you will not be spending this time looking after children or worring what to cook for dinner. This needs to be a no drama day. Have your other half take the children out on a day trip or arrange a day and grandmas. You need time for you sometimes and one day a month is certainly not unreasonable for any woman to ask.

1) Pop on some relaxing music for background sound, make sure it can be heard from the bathroom.

2) Run yourself a hot bath, use some relaxing bubble bath, lavender scent is great for this (tesco sell a huge one for 70p!!) Into the bath pop some bath salts if you have any (radox do these for £1 and they last ages!) great investements as these products will last you many months.
Head to the kitchen and mix together salt and a pink of olive oil into a bowl. Bring this to the bathroom and leave on the side. This will be your facial scrub.

 3) Light some candles and dim the lights. I myself use battery opperated ones for safety. This creates a beautiful relaxing mood already.
Make sure you have towels, a nice drink (tea, wine) to hand as well as a good book you have been meaning to read. If you are not a book person magazines work just as well.

4) Save a good soak! Not a 15 min bath, im talking maybe 40 mins. Really take some time to lay back and enjoy yourself. This time is for you.
(Great tip: add a facemask and a hair mask on before you get in, they will not cost more than £1 each at superdrug!)

5) Wash off the facemask once you are out and at the sink. Afterwards take your facial scrub bowl and start scrubbing your face in little circles with the paste. This will remove all dead skin cells and leave your face fresh as a daisy. Splash your face with cold water to close your facial pores.

6) Moisturise your face and body. Tesco do their own brands and they are not more than £1 per item. This will keep your skin nice and soft as well as hydated.

7) Blow dry your hair. Now its fresh and clean give it a good dry. Use heat protection spray (You can get these in the pound shop) and off you go! Once dry pin your hair back away from your face.

8) Switch on the tv and catch up on your fave netflix shows and get ready for an afternoon of binge watching. Grab some fruit snacks and berries to snack on.

9) Use this time to clip, file and paint your nails and toenails, give yourself a little mani-pedi!

Drink plenty of water and just enjoy your afternoon to yourself.
If you want to include more in your spa day then add in a full body exfoliation using the salt scrub. Dye your hair with a home dye and re-vamp your colour. Add in a foot spa in and get your partner to give you a massage.

Why not go full out luxury and enjoy some wine and fancy chocolates on your day? It doesnt have to be expensive, do what your budget will allow and just take time for you. We all spend far too much for our lives worring about others, money and day to day stresses we forget to take care of ourselves once in a while.

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