Monday 5 December 2016

Blogmas 2016 - Day 2 - Where we are at this christmas - life update and end of the year reflections

Blogmas day 2 - life update

Welcome to
Blogmas Day 2

Now this post may not be for everyone, but I thought I would do a little life update.

So this year I started out working for a well known insurance firm, all was well until around
March, when I suffered a breakdown. I dont make a point of talking about anxiety and mental health issues on here, but today I will will touch on it briefly.
Everything was getting ontop of me, and work seemed to make it even worse.
When I was there it was hit or miss. I would come home in a foul mood, which infected everyone around me and even my very home.
Depression happens to so many of us, and I am no different. 

Panic attacks, nosebleeds, headaches, therapists, doctors and tears all became part of my normal weekly scheduele.
I found no joy in hobbies and developed a shopping addiction to which I would break myself every single month. It was a vicious cycle. My past losses and cancers were just something I could move past. I was stuck in a never ending loop.

I quit my job in novemeber (after signing off for 2 months) and I feel so much better. I think I needed some head space for myself.

I have worked to turn my home into a piece of paradise, instead of the dark, undecorated messy hell-hole it had become.
Now, room to room you will find hanging stars and twinkle lights, warm candle glows and comfy cushions, towels or blankets.
Anyone who comes over feels right at home and for the first time the appartment actually feels like mine. 
Ive found hobbies, reading is now back to being one of my passions and I am enjoying art once more.
I feel awake for the first time in a long time.
End of Novemeber we come into some money, which will really be nice in the years to come.
Holidays and spa breaks next year will be just what the doctor ordered.

At the moment I am making no huge plans in the way of work. Although I will be studying late next year. At the moment I am taking each day as it comes.

I will be both sad and happy to say goodbye to this year. It hasnt been wonderful but its had its moments. This last month has proven to be better than expected. So its nice to go out on a bang.

This year I had goals.
Beat back depression
Decorate my home
Become financially stable

I guess I passed all in a fashion.

I feel next year will be one to celebrate.
I have goals.

Driving lessons 
Holiday (Barcelona? Malta? Austrailia? USA?)
Romantic weekends away
Learning new skills

Ive ordered a treadmill for our home in an attempt to get fit - so I m excited for that to arrive in time for the new year. I also feel a change in style coming on - watch this space!

Come on 2017!

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