Sunday 10 April 2016

These are a few of my favourite things...

LUSH products!
The bubble bars have to be my faves, that said I use the conditioning bars and shampoo bars exclusively, so they would be the items I couldnt go without.
What I love about them (apart from be beautiful colours and smells!) Is that they go really far for your money. I bath in Lush products every night, its one of my little luxuries I dont want to hav eto be without.
Every night I run a bath, crumble a little bit of bubble bar in and maybe a hint of shower jelly and there you have it.
One bubble bar normally lasts me 6 baths, so they are totally affordable.
I dont really bother with the bath bombs as much as I did, nice as they are I find £4 a bomb a little much for one use. I prefer buying other things like lip tints, face masks and tooth care items for those prices. Maybe I am just tight, but its how I manage to afford bright bubbly lush baths every night of the week.

Kinder - the best chocolate in the world
I dont care if these are for kids, they are my all time faves. The chocolate is so milky and the hippos have that hazelnut cream in. If you live in the US I think this brand is banned over there... for being too delicious. No, but seriously, its because toys come in the eggs and children could choke on them or something. Me and my bestie STILL collect kinder toys everytime we hang out and compete over who got the best one. Ahh to be young and free.

 The Happy Planner by MAMBI (me and my big ideas)
I am rather crazy about them. I have a little shop that sells stickers for them too which is pretty cool.
It great for keeping on track and keeping up with tasks.
I use mine for work hours, meal planning and as a calender.
Planner keeping is much more popular in America than it is here in the UK, so we dont have big stores that stock these, best bet is to find them on amazon.

These beautiful eco friendly cleaning products are
taking over my life at the moment. You can find them in
places like tesco for around £3 a bottle.
They make handwash, air fresheners, washing up liquids and
so much more.
A whole blog post just about these on the way!

Directions hair dye
Already mixed so no fuss needed. Can be mixed
top make your own shade or added to conditioner for a lighter colour.
Fantastic for mermaid hair colours. Last a good amount of washes and
the white toner works perfectly. Just a few pounds online, cannot be beaten.
I love these even more than stargazer!

There you have it, A few things I just love right now.

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