Saturday 5 December 2015

Blogmas day 1 - Holidays are coming! My pre-christmas gifts to myself, yeah... its as weird as it sounds.

Hey guys, I am sorry I havent been blogging as much as I used to. In all honesty ive just started full time work and its been so difficult to find the time. I feel much better adjusted now and ready to crack on with Blogmas 2015.

* I just want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone who has ready my blog this year, I have had it around 8 months and have almost 34,000 views, I am amazed that people seem to be interested in what I ramble on about, so if you are reading this, thank you so much for taking the time to be here today <3 If anyone ever wants to contact me, email me on: I would be happy to hear from you. *

BLOGMAS day one

Holidays are coming! I spent so much time prepping for christmas this year I have no idea how I have found myself in december with still so much to do!

I have chosen to start out with an easy task that I LOVE doing... Christmas shopping... FOR ME!
No, you read me right, I buy myself little treats on the run up to christmas. I am not talking huge expensive gifts to lavish myself in, just cute little bath sets or the odd candle here and there.

Why do I do it?
I dont know where it all started from really... maybe its that I see little things and I really want and I know that nobody else will buy me? Maybe its that I get over excited when I see stuff I like on sale? Or maybe I am just plain spoilt... I have no idea, but I like it. Every week on the run up to christmas I gift myself and item. I guess its no different from an advent calender really??

So what do I do?
I hunt around online shops such as amazon, ebay, yours, boots and superdrug. I see things that I love and will use and I buy them. Its normally gift sets and little treats. Most of the time they are on sale and under say £4 per item.
This year I waiting for black friday and managed to get some amazing deals on amazon prime.

What do I get?
This year I got myself a number of gift sets (some shown bellow) I love anying skin care, hair care or beauty based.
I also got a celebrity weave fitted (LA weave hair extensions) and I love them.

So this is the end of blogmas day 1 - covering my weird little tradition.

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